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Guinea Pig  No comments yet

To dream of a guinea pig implies that you should use more consideration and accept liability for your actions. It also means that you will achieve success and ability through trial and error.

Harvesting  No comments yet

To dream of harvesting crops represents that the dreamer is in the process of accomplishing a goal in life or career.

High Heels  No comments yet

High heels for women have always been a symbol of femininity and confidence.

To dream about wearing high heels shows confidence and glamour. On the other hand, this may indicate your physical and mental limits from being a female amidst an oppressive society.

Hot Pepper  No comments yet

Old folks often referred to problems in relationships as the spice that gives relationships their unique and interesting flavor.

To dream of a spice like hot pepper often reveals your hot temper and the intensity that you add to any conversation or argument.

Interstate  No comments yet

*Please See Highway.

Intestines  No comments yet

To dream of intestines represents unfortunate events leading to loss, failure, and adversity.

Levitation  No comments yet

To dream that you are levitating signifies that you are having difficulty letting go of your unconventional ideas. This may be a reminder for you to look at more realizable and feasible options.

Alternatively, you may be distancing yourself from your source of protection and rationality. It represents being alienated and uncared for by those around you.

Lighthouse  No comments yet

To dream of a lighthouse symbolizes your journey to seek guidance and enlightenment through trials and tribulations.

Understudy  No comments yet

To dream of being the understudy in a play or production is a sign that you are the only one standing in the way of a possible successful future. There is an implication that you may need to grow in confidence and put yourself out there a little more to achieve your ultimate success.

Inside Out  No comments yet

A dream of being inside out or wearing inside out articles of clothing represents vulnerability to the criticism of others. You are feeling exposed and concerned about your reputation.