Results: 'animal attack' - Page: 5 of 8 | 74+ symbols found..

Leather  No comments yet

To dream of leather indicates sturdiness and toughness. You seek refuge from the harshness of the world around you.

To dream of leather is also suggestive of the carnal nature in your waking life.

Warrior  No comments yet

To dream of a mighty warrior coming toward you implies that an extremely capable and courageous aspect of yourself is asking to be involved in a situation in your waking life.

Know that you have everything you need to confront a task that is awaiting you.

Carcass  No comments yet

To dream of a carcass signifies the complete ending of an era in your life. There is no coming back or retreating from the fact that it is now over. Acceptance is the key to making the most of this ending. Dreaming of a carcass that moves or speaks implies the inability to accept that it is time to move on.

Origami  No comments yet

To make origami in a dream represents forming an idea. You might be experiencing a rise in creative energy, particularly involving paper or writing.

Giraffe  No comments yet

To see a giraffe in your dream symbolizes the ability to see above all obstacles and deceptions. It is a symbol that is associated with psychic abilities and has the message of being able to look ahead far into the future and see what needs to be done. You may have lofty ideas but you're empathetic, sympathetic, and very understanding for the needs of others.
Alternatively, this dream may be suggesting your lack of seeing the overall picture in waking life whether it be your personal matter or business, try to take a broader view on your life and see where it's heading.
If you're riding a giraffe, it means you want attention or be noticed by others.
To see a giraffe running indicates that you are being too private and not opening up to others.

Gargoyle  No comments yet

To dream about a gargoyle suggests that there are suppressed anxieties in your life regarding certain confidential issues.

Kangaroo  No comments yet

To dream of kangaroos is indicative of parental protection, both maternal and paternal. This may be a characteristic of yourself that you would like to express.

Kangaroos in dreams may also be representative of anger or desire to fight. Being attacked by a kangaroo is symbolic of false accusations accosting you in the future. Be aware of these accusations as they put your reputation and good name at risk.

Seizures  No comments yet

To dream that you have a seizure indicates that you lack the power to take charge of certain aspects in your life.

Skeleton  No comments yet

To dream of seeing a skeleton implies that a task you are working on hasn't been completed. You may still be trying to think of ideas to finish this task. It may imply that you need to be more assertive and should remain steady in your beliefs and opinions.

To see someone depicted as a skeleton indicates that a friendship or bond with someone no longer exists.

Trenches  No comments yet

To dream of trenches means that you need to be careful about dealing with strangers, as they may bring you failure, loss, and deceit.