To dream of a gun represents hostility, wrath, and possible hazards. Perhaps you are having difficulties expressing your positive and negative emotions. A gun can also be a symbol of male genitalia and masculine intensity. Therefore, it can represent intensity or incapacity.
To dream that you are loading a gun suggests that you should use caution when expressing your anger or hostility. Don't allow these emotions to go unchecked.
To dream that you shoot someone with a gun implies that you harbor hostility for someone.
To dream that someone is shooting you with a gun denotes a difficult issue that you are facing. An issue may be making you feel vulnerable and exposed.
*Refer to Pistol or Shot.
Hats have many symbols for different occasions. For instance, we often think of a detective as a man with dark shades and a hat to hide his identity.
Similarly, to dream of a hat refers to hiding something.
To dream of hats reflects different roles you play in life. Wearing a top hat in a dream refers to wealth, elegance and formality.
To dream of a hen may have various meanings. First, it may indicate
gossip and misfortune in your life, especially if you are fond of bragging about trivial matters.
A hen is also a maternal figure.
Another possible interpretation of a hen is the metaphor 'hen-pecked,' which means being picked on.
A hoe is used to break through the surface of ground and remove weeds.
To dream of a hoe points to your continuous breakthroughs and feats in overcoming barriers. The time for personal growth has come.
To dream of seeing a hog may be a pun on 'hogging' things instead of sharing with the needy.
To dream that you are headed east indicates a deeper sagacity within and an incorporeal insight. You should spend more time on your ambitions, dreams, and family. The direction east represents the rising sun. This dream can also suggest that you are heading in the proper direction in life.
To dream about the dawn represents a sense of rebirth, awakening, and revitalization. You might be coming into a new development in your life, a new aspect, or a new beginning.
To dream that you are flying a kite indicates that you are well-grounded despite your high aspirations and goals in life. You will reap the benefits of your hard work and determination regardless of the challenges faced in your current task. On the other hand, to dream of a kite may also epitomize your spiritual or innocent consciousness.
To dream of knobs symbolizes turning issues or situations in your waking life. Your dream is a sign that you must handle your affairs appropriately.
To dream of lard denotes your satisfaction for the abundance of riches and fortune in your life.
To dream that your hands are in melted lard symbolizes frustrations in your attempts to establish your reputation from eyes of your social contacts.