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Crayfish  No comments yet

To dream of seeing a live Crayfish in clear water means that you feel being guarded. You may be trying to adjust to new experiences and people. Whereas if you see a crayfish through muddy or unclear water, it means that you feel apprehensive about new experiences but you are not entirely closed to them.

Seashells  No comments yet

To dream of seashells symbolizes the need for refuge and sanctuary. You are keeping your emotions and feelings hidden from others. This is being done in an effort to prevent yourself from being wounded emotionally, but the outcome will have you shutting the rest of the world out.

Barnacles  No comments yet

Dreaming of barnacles implies stubborn thoughts may be persistently bothering you and refusing to shift leaving you feeling frustrated. There is a message of acceptance, relaxation and ultimate victory within a dream of barnacles. Dreaming of barnacles on a boat heralds hints of travel and adventure whereas barnacles on the skin is more inclined to suggest stagnation and the need to forgive and forget.

Ammunition  No comments yet

To dream of ammunition could indicate that you are using influence and authority to convince others or keep safe. It can also mean that you are attempting to achieve your goals through devastating means.

Nutcracker  No comments yet

A nutcracker in a dream represents determination and power. You are willing to stick to a repetitive task to achieve your goals.

Hand Grenade  No comments yet

To dream of a hand grenade indicates that you may be about to give someone some information that you have been guarding. Although you may feel that it is right to say what you know, you might need to examine your motives and the consequences should you tell. To be holding the hand grenade symbolizes a personal desire for drama and the ability to achieve it, but at a high cost.