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Rabies  No comments yet

To dream that an animal with rabies bites you is indicative of your inner self. You are struggling with very hostile and violent feelings. You need to come to terms with these feelings before you take action you may later regret.

Anchor  No comments yet

To dream about an anchor indicates safety, strength, and a firm infrastructure. To witness an anchor also means that you stick to your principles and ideologies.

An anchor may also signify that something is keeping you from your goals or subverting your freedom. A current relationship or work path may be heading down a dead end road.

Bobcat  No comments yet

A dream about a bobcat indicates that you must closely observe what happens in everyday life.

Jungle  No comments yet

To dream that you are in a jungle mirrors certain aspects of your personality that are repressed. Perhaps you are in a very confused state right now.

If you are lost or trapped in a jungle, this indicates that your pessimism affects the achievement of your goals. You have to come to grips with yourself and what you want to accomplish.

Kennel  No comments yet

To dream of a kennel indicates a fear of 'not pleasing your master.' Someone may have unreasonable control over your behavior.

To dream of sleeping in a kennel or looking out of a kennel suggests a need to be more personally responsible and accountable for your actions in your waking life.

To send an animal or a person to the kennel suggests you may have been too judgmental in a recent situation.

Cheetah  No comments yet

To dream of a cheetah indicates that you need to motivate yourself and find the energy to chase your dreams. You have been letting opportunities pass you by. If you don't reach for them now, you may never have the chance again.

Leopard  No comments yet

To dream of a leopard in its natural habitat represents your triumph over trials as a result of being persistent. If the leopard is in a cage, it denotes that no matter how difficult a problem is, you always come out undeterred.

To dream that you killed a leopard is symbolic of how successful you are in all your endeavors.

To dream that the leopard is attacking you means that you are overly confident in mapping your victories without much consideration to the time and effort you have put into each project.

To see the skin of a leopard signifies that you have found an unlikely ally.

Fishing  No comments yet

To dream about fishing represents vitality and resources. If you fail to catch any fish, then your attempts to earn money or honors will fail.

To dream about ice fishing indicates that you are cracking through a difficult internal barrier or dealing with emotions that are buried within your subconscious. This dream may also indicate your need for some relaxation and time off.

Ketchup  No comments yet

To dream of ketchup indicates a feeling of boredom that may be pervading your waking life.

Spilling ketchup suggests the need for a change in attitude and the development of gratitude for what you already have.

Lioness  No comments yet

To dream of a lioness symbolizes graceful family leadership. The lioness is a strong mother with regal elegance who guides and protects her children.
To dream that you are a lioness indicates you feel a strong connection to family and you may need to strengthen your place as leader in their eyes.