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House  No comments yet

Houses bear various meanings, from comfort, privacy, and safety.

To dream about different parts and states of your house reflect different depths of feelings, and various emotional and mental states.

The attic refers to your intellect and mind, while the basement describes the subconscious.

If the house is empty, it connotes feelings of insecurity. Shifts and changes in the house indicate change and progression of your personality and beliefs.

To dream that you are cleaning your house suggests self-improvement. It further refers to getting rid of old limiting beliefs and adopting new progressive point of views.

If you have a crowded house and you dream that your house is empty, it indicates a need to break free and live your life independently.

Old beliefs and attitudes are represented by old houses. To dream of a new house represents a new era of your life.

If you dream that someone broke into your house, you have a sense of being violated. Your personal boundaries have been crossed by someone.

To dream of a house also indicates that your subconscious is reminding you of something long forgotten, such as good traits you are no longer using.

To dream of a haunted house refers to unfinished business from the past.

A missing house suggests a feeling of being uprooted.

Friend  No comments yet

To dream about friends suggests that certain hidden parts of your character are now ready and willing to reemerge. How you interact with people around you can be critical in understanding yourself.

To dream of your friends being happy and in good health suggests that your friends will wish you well or visit. In addition, your friends' relatives may bring you some good news.

To dream that your friends are troubled and upset indicates that they may suffer from illness or stress.

To dream about your childhood friend indicates that you will stumble back into behaviors from an early and more carefree time. You could be feeling too much pressure and wishing to go back to a time when things were easier. Think about how you got along with this friend, the dynamics of the friendship, and what you learned through that friendship. This dream may also be indicating that you are acting immaturely.

To dream that your friends are dark-colored suggests that either you or they may have some difficulty or illness. If your friends take the form of animals, it represents that someone will get between you and your closest friends.

Dog House  No comments yet

To dream about a dog house suggests that you could be facing a tough situation. You are being disciplined for the things you have done.

Tree House  No comments yet

To dream that you are in a tree house suggests that you trying to elude your problems. You are shutting out the realities of daily life.

To dream that you are building a tree house suggests that you are diligent and hardworking. You are focused on your goals. This dream is about enhancing and enriching yourself to optimize your potential.

Bake House  No comments yet

A dream featuring a bake house foretells troubles and obstacles heading your way.

Glass House  No comments yet

To dream about a glass house represents that an abundance of compliments will harm you.

To dream that you are living in a glass house suggests that your good name is under assault. This dream could also indicate that someone is keeping a close eye on you.

Beach House  No comments yet

Dreaming of a beach house indicates your desire for more relaxation, specifically a secluded place to go for peace and relaxation.

Haunted House  No comments yet

Dreaming of a haunted house represents an unsettled past. You may have unresolved problems with past friends or family which are causing you feelings of guilt or anxiety.
Dreaming that you are lost or trapped inside a haunted house means that these feelings have limited your abilities in other aspects of your life.

Boarding House  No comments yet

Dreaming of a boarding house symbolizes that you either feel unloved or like you are not special as in being just another face in a crowd in waking life. This feeling is manifested in the form of a boarding house, where all individuals are treated equally and generally not very luxuriously, therefore it lacks personal care and attention.

Bar  No comments yet

To dream about being in a bar represents your wish for deliverance from day-to-day anxiety and a need to move toward enjoyable activities. It also indicates that you are seeking approval for something.

Jug  No comments yet

To dream of filled jugs signifies a joyful gathering of friends.

To see empty jugs in your dream portends a rift between you and your friends that is your fault.

To see broken jugs in your dream signifies poor health and professional failures.

Farm  No comments yet

To dream about a farm indicates that you should expand or grow certain parts about you in order to make the most of your prospects. You are in the right state of mind to mature.

Jail  No comments yet

To dream of jail involving your lover indicates that this person is not to be trusted.
Jail dreams involving yourself indicate that you are feeling restricted and need increased freedom in your life.

Jail dreams involving acquaintances indicates that you may give something to an undeserving person.

Jail dreams involving children indicate concern over the child and their welfare.

Roof  No comments yet

To dream of your roof symbolizes your self-awareness vis-a-vis your subconscious feelings. It symbolizes a protection of your thoughts and beliefs. It is also a facade for how you perceive yourself.

To dream you are on a roof signifies euphoria from your achievements. To dream of falling off the roof suggests losing your control and having a weak standing at an advanced phase in your life.

To dream of a leaky roof suggests negative influences, distractions, and irritations. It may also suggest coming across new ideas and information. On the other hand, it may stand for a message that is finally getting across to you. This may be particularly true in the case of someone who is trying to shove his or her opinions down your throat.

To dream that the roof is caving in suggests a failure to live up to your ideals.

Yard  No comments yet

To dream of a well-kept and neat yard is a reflection of your ability to organize and maintain the many different aspects of your life, such as family and work obligations.

To see an unkept and messy yard is a reflection that there are aspects of your waking life that are currently out of control.

Home  No comments yet

Home often refers to security, basic needs, and strong rooted values. It is a very special and private place.

To dream of your childhood home and its memories indicates a desire to build a family. It may also reveal some aspects of your personality which were developed while you lived there. Going back to your old home or even visiting it in your dream can bring back old feelings that seem to be buried in the past. Dreams about being unable to find your home reflects a loss of faith and can point to a huge transition taking place in your present life.

Patio  No comments yet

To dream that you are in the patio represents your candid nature.

To dream of opened patio doors symbolizes your receptive state of mind.

To dream of closed patio doors may suggest being stubborn and closed-minded.

A dream involving patio doors also symbolizes the synchrony of the mind and the spirit.

Salon  No comments yet

To dream of visiting a salon may suggest that you are placing great focus on the way others perceive you. Too much attention is being placed on your outer beauty and attractiveness. It may also imply that a situation or relationship is fraught with dishonesty and concealment. It can also signify a coming or desired change.

Store  No comments yet

To dream of a grocery or convenience store implies that you are feeling great pressure and stress with your personal thoughts and decisions. It may also mean that you are searching for alternative paths and choices.