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Water  No comments yet

To dream of water can have many different meanings. On the surface, it represents your emotions. However, water can also be symbolic of your life force, chi, and psyche. Other meanings include a search for knowledge, spirituality, or comfort. You may need of relief from hunger or thirst.

Furthermore, a dream of entering water symbolizes the new beginning. Being immersed in water is a return to the mother womb which may suggest pregnancy or birth of a child. Flowing water signifies tranquility and relaxation, while the rushing water indicates passion or strong emotion. Dream of a deep water suggests a subconscious part of you which may be out of reach in waking life, and shallow water represents a lack of spirit and vigor. To be on the water, such as in a yacht, can represent uncertainty or a lack of emotional commitment. Going down into water in a dream suggests a necessity for restoration of one's energy in order to return to the starting point. Conversely, coming up out of the water suggests a fresh new beginning.

Boiling water indicates that you are currently not in complete control of your emotions. Some previously repressed emotions may soon surface; be sure you are prepared to deal with them.

Cool, clear, calm water is an indication that your spirituality brings you great peace. You have come to a place of acceptance about your spirituality and self. Conversely, muddy water is an indication that it is time to clear your head. Get rid of excess baggage like negative thoughts and emotions. If you don't, you will not be able to find the peace. Muddy water may also be meant to show you that your thought process is clouded and unclear. You are not making the best decisions right now. If you are in the dirty water, there is a situation in your waking life that is simply too much for you to handle. You need to admit you are in over your head so simply ask for help.

To dream that water is flooding up and over your home is an indication that you cannot find peace with your emotions. You are afraid to face your inner feelings and will continue to struggle until you do so.

A dream in which you walk on water is an indication of your inner control over emotions. This is not always a good thing. You may feel the need to always be in control and as a result, may rarely let your true emotions show. Conversely, it may indicate a strong belief in oneself.

Office  No comments yet

To dream of your work office suggests difficulty in leaving your work. This may represent the possibility of being preoccupied with work and having too much office work to accomplish. It may also stand for your position, achievements, and status in society.

A dream about holding public office indicates that your desires may direct you to a perilous course, but your bravery will be rewarded with victory.

Bridge  No comments yet

To dream that you are crossing a bridge indicates that you have reached a significant crossroad. The choice you make can bring you great fortune, success, and happiness.

Bridges symbolize a major change that will propel you to new levels of awareness or personal growth.

To dream of a run-down bridge is a warning not to consider altering any aspects of your life until sometime in the future.

To see a bridge collapse in your dream implies that you haven't taken advantage of a potentially beneficial chance.

Offense  No comments yet

To dream of being offended is a symbol of improper conduct, resulting in the need to defend yourself.
To dream of being the offensive party bodes of challenges and hurdles in reaching your objectives.

Driving  No comments yet

To dream that you are driving a vehicle symbolizes the road you're traveling through life. This dream is telling you about the manner through which you are traveling. If you can't see the road ahead of you, then you may not have direction in your own life. You don't have ambition. If the road is winding, this suggests that you are having difficulty reaching your dreams.

To dream that someone is driving you indicates that you are reliant on the person driving. You have lost power over your own decisions and follow others instead. If you are driving from the passenger side, then you are attempting to take charge of the direction of your life. You are starting to make your own choices.

To dream that you are driving a cab or bus indicates manual work with few chances to move up in the business.

To dream that you are driving in reverse indicates that you are facing challenges that seem to be holding you back. If you drive backward into water, then your feelings are keeping you from being successful.

To dream that you are driving drunk suggests that you have given up control in your life. Somebody is controlling you.

To dream that you drive off a cliff indicates that the more you achieve in life, the tougher it will be to hang onto that success. You may sense that getting promoted will be a double-edged sword. You could also be sensing that it's almost impossible to please everyone all the time.

Officer  No comments yet

To dream of an officer walking toward you or writing you a ticket suggests guilt over a recent activity in your waking life.

A message of righting wrongs makes itself clear when an authority figure such as an officer makes an appearance in a dream. At the very least, you are unconsciously aware that you have gone against an important personal value or belief. You may need to resolve that within yourself to ensure future peace.

Falling  No comments yet

It can be theorized that to dream of falling is a physical sensation of a drop on blood pressure. As this registers in the brain, the subconscious will alert you of it in this fashion. It produces a sinking feeling such as this. There is however, a religious side to this concept as well. In Christianity, a realm of eternal suffering is located beneath the surface of the Earth. It is called Hell. It is believed to be home to Demons, or Fallen Angels. These Angels were once in the paradise-like realm among the clouds called Heaven. Greed and jealousy however, turned them cruel and full of hate. This caused them to 'fall' down to the underworld.

Because of this, it is thought by some that to dream of falling represents your fall from purity and suggests that you have strayed from your spiritual path. Perhaps you have cheated someone or misled another. One may have this dream as a sign that they need to check and make sure that their thoughts are noble before they act on them.

But the most widely accepted meanings of falling dreams have nothing to do with science, nor with religion. Generally, if you fall within a dream, it is thought to have to do with balance, or rather a lack thereof. Most likely you have been increasingly stressed due to a recent failure in your life whether it is associated with your job, schooling or a relationship. This fall from glory is dreamt for the purpose of telling the dreamers to get up, dust themselves off and keep on trying.

It is also suspected that to dream of falling stands for your feeling of being below everyone else. The dreamer is belittling or torturing conscience to self-causing a low self-esteem. This type of dream is trying to make them aware of this and show them that they need to have more confidence in themselves and become well rooted so that they will not 'fall' at the first sign of opposition. They need to stand strong.

Offering  No comments yet

To dream that you are extending or making an offering symbolizes disingenuity and hypocrisy.

Waterbed  No comments yet

To dream of a waterbed is an indication that you have begun to accept some aspect of your inner self that you have previously struggled with. Generally, this aspect is emotional, although it can represent repressed sexual desires or aggression. Consider what aspects of yourself you are questioning.

Andirons  No comments yet

To dream of andirons supporting burning logs implies that you have made wise decisions regarding associates and relationships.

To see andirons in an empty fireplace may indicate that you face a potential debt, deficit, or the demise of a loved one.