To dream about the death of a loved one indicates that you are missing certain traits that your loved one possessed. You should consider what separated this person from you as far as quality and what you enjoyed about him or her. It is usually this aspect that you are missing that is void from your current relationships or situations. This dream may also indicate that the attributes that defined this person have no bearing on your own life.
Death (Dead) 
Dreaming about death is very common. Death is a natural part of our lives and affects each one of us that it is no surprise to be a part of our dreams. Dreams are sometimes a place in which our minds explore concepts or situations that we fear, or are unable to process with our conscious selves. A recent death in the family is likely to inspire dreams of the lost loved one, particularly if there are still unresolved conflicts between you and the one you've lost.
To encounter someone who has died in one of your dreams is an attempt to resolve conflicts which you were unable to deal with while the person was alive. They may also be appearing to you in a dream because you are missing something about them. For example, you may have felt very close to your grandfather before he died. Perhaps you used to go to him for advice and guidance. When you undergo stress in your daily life, your mind might remember how much consolation and assistance he gave you and bring him back in a dream. Listen carefully to any advice given to you by a ghost in a dream. These words are what your mind imagines that loved one would have said. The dream is trying to give you the consolation that you need. This is a natural part of the grieving process.
It is also common to feel that you are dead in a dream. You look around and understand that the world you are seeing does not meet your expectations of reality. A dream, of course, is not reality but sometimes instead of realizing that this is a dream, your mind jumps to the conclusion that you are dead and seeing the afterlife.
You may dream that you are dead and watching your friends and family grieve for you, and continuing their lives. These dreams are also related to the fact that your mind is confused about why it cannot control your body movement since you are actually motionless sleeping in your bed. This can also be a way for you to examine your feelings of loneliness or uselessness if you are struggling with feelings of inadequacy in your waking life.
To dream of the dead warns that you could be surrounded by too many negative individuals, and that you are staying in touch with the wrong people. You could lose things because of this. This dream may also be a way to help you deal with the loss of certain people.
If you dream about those long passed, this means that a relationship or current circumstance is similar to that long-lost person. It could be that you simply need to let go of this current situation and allow it to die.
To see your dead parents in your dream signifies the apprehension of their ultimate fate or the way you are handling the loss. You may simply need one more chance to bid them farewell.
To dream about a dead sibling, relative, or acquaintance, suggests that you are longing for them and attempting to revive the times you shared. As you move through life, dreams offer an opportunity to deal with issues involving loss and grieving.
To dream of yourself as a widow symbolizes loneliness. Consider why you may be feeling abandoned or isolated.
To dream that you are a martyr implies that you should take better care of yourself. You have a tendency to put others before you and therefore you suffer both physically and emotionally.
The dream is also suggesting that you don't appreciate yourself as you should or perhaps you are unable to offer yourself absolution for a past transgression.
To dream of an orphan represents worries of desertion and feelings of solitude and rejection.
A dream of yourself consoling orphans shows your sympathy for sadness experience by others. This will move you to sacrifice personal pleasures in order to extend assistance to those in need.
To dream of a possum foretells that things are not what they seem to be. You need to scratch below the surface to find what's hidden from view.
To dream that you or another person is being beheaded is an indication of regrettable decision-making.
To dream about a burial means that you have banished bad attitudes or behaviors and escaped from some negative condition. If you dream that you are burying someone alive, it is a sign of mental anguish.
To dream that you are talking to an unknown spirit implies that you are being manipulated or taken advantage of by someone close to you.
Generally, if the spirit is known and welcomed, it represents success and prosperity in your occupation.
To dream of your own funeral represents some circumstance that you've been dealing with. You could be trying to bury some emotions or aspects about yourself, but your dream is telling you to pay attention to them. You could be hiding from a situation and hoping that it passes. If you are close to death, then a funeral could indicate your fears and concerns about your own demise.
To dream that you are attending someone else's funeral suggests that you are putting a past relationship where it belongs: in the past. You may be releasing negative emotions you've kept for so long. If the funeral is for an unknown person, then your dream is telling you to set aside some part of your past so that a new experience or person can enter. You should think about what aspect of your life you should part with.
To dream about your living parent's funeral indicates that you need to break free of your parents' control. This dream could offer you the strength and confidence needed to gain your own freedom and independence.
To dream of Demeter is a powerful sign of impending marriage, possibly of someone close to you. There is also the likelihood of a fertile season ahead for you and your loved ones.