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Blackout  No comments yet

Experiencing a blackout in a dream suggests that you're being cut off from something which could be anything from civilization to a specific person or resource. Whatever the case, you feel that you need this contact or resource in order to be successful and you feel 'in the dark' without it/them.

Coma  No comments yet

To dream that you are in a coma suggests that you have trouble functioning in certain circumstances. You haven't yet prepared for changes that are occurring within your life. This dream coma state could also represent what's truly occurring in your body. During this 'REM paralysis' stage, a body is immobile.

Amnesia  No comments yet

To dream that you suffer from amnesia signals that you are attempting to ignore some flaw in yourself and that you fear moving in a new direction.

Darkness  No comments yet

To dream that darkness comes upon you indicates defeat in a project that you might try. Darkness is symbolic of incomprehension, the unconscious, malice, death, and concerns about the unknown. If the sun pierces the darkness, you will be able to defeat the obstacles in your way. If you feel confident in the darkness, then you don't need to understand everything about things around you. The phrase 'ignorance is bliss' fits here.

To dream that you can't find someone in the dark suggests that your anger needs to be reined in and controlled. You allow your feelings to get the best of you.

To dream that you are lost in the darkness indicates a sense of despair, sadness, or uncertainty.

To dream that you are groping in the darkness signifies that you do not have enough knowledge about a particular topic to form a valid decision. Dig into the topic and don't make snap decisions.

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