To dream of a journal suggests that you intend to change your past according to what is right and what you think should have happened. Take into consideration what is actually written in the journal and see if it is reflective of the actual events in your waking life. Additionally, it symbolizes memories and fragments of your past.
To dream that someone is reading your journal denotes long-held secrets. This also means that you find it hard to open yourself up to someone.
Dreaming that you are writing a blog means you have the desire to write, share your feelings in a public forum, or be more in touch with the up-and-comings of technology.
To dream of penning a blog and writing about the things you love is an indication of your passion for those subjects. Writing your opinions and sharing them may simply express your waking desire to let people know how you feel.
To simply learn about the blog, explore the steps and procedures for creating, maintaining, and sharing a blog means you're an early adapter and has quite an interest in new technologies.
To dream of hearing majestic anthems from an organ represents long-term friendships and stable fate.
To notice an organ in a church suggests the unfortunate parting of families.
To dream that you are playing an organ bodes of luck coming upon you. Your dream about the organ may also signify social prestige coming your way.
To dream that you see an author working on something means that you are absorbed in a piece of literature.
To dream of an almanac means an uncertain future and temporary enjoyment.
Seeing an almanac in a dream means an uncertain future and temporary enjoyment.
To dream of a magazine implies that you have been offered new and exciting opportunities to explore. Pay attention to the name and contents of the magazine. This can imply further significance.
To dream of a yearbook is clearly indicative of achievements yet to be made in life. A memory may surface that can guide you in making a work choice beneficial for yourself and your family.
Conversely, it may be time to forgive yourself for a past occurrence. This forgiveness can also lead you to achieve a previously-held ambition.
Newspaper Reporter 
To dream that you are a newspaper reporter predicts numerous travels in your future. These travels will be coupled with gains and honor.
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