To dream about the devil suggests poor aspects of yourself. It could also represent a guilty conscience that you have been carrying around with you. You should release these emotions. Also, the devil can symbolize mental acuity, deceit, and astuteness.
To dream that you have defeated the devil indicates that you will overcome your adversaries.
To dream that you talk to the devil suggests that you will endure urges that are difficult to overcome.
To dream that you are friendly with the devil indicates that you could be enticed to perform an act or something that you would rather not do. You could be working through moral troubles.
To dream of an imp represents turmoil and confusion. You are going through some challenges in real life. Alternatively, the imp signifies the pessimistic and reticent side of your personality.
To dream of an ogre represents condemnation of yourself. It may also mean discipline.
To dream that you are a rogue signifies you friends' concerns about some bad decisions you have made.
To dream that your lover is a rogue suggests your distress at the indifference of someone near you.
To dream about a beast represents imprudence and naivete.
To see faceless beasts relates to some circumstance that you are failing to fully realize or confront; you are basically indifferent. The dream also could mean that some event or person is raising worry and anxiety in you.
The Bible says that a beast is a symbol of honorable men who are undiscerning.
To dream about a fiend suggests that you should deal with the darkest aspects of your past. The dream also represents your concerns and anger.
To dream about a ghoul indicates that the improper way in which you do things is stunting your emotional maturity. The dream could also indicate a new start awaiting you.
To dream about demons indicates opposition, incomprehension, and anguish regarding your 'shadow' self. You should be aware of any gratification or sexual desires that could be against common sense. Due to this, your health could be in jeopardy.
To dream about being possessed by demons suggest a sense of being out of control.
To dream of the undead or zombies implies that you may be being plagued with old sabotaging thoughts. Note the atmosphere of the dream - is it scary or calm? What is the environment? Habits or memories that hurt you may be coming up more often and you could be feeling overwhelmed. This is simply a sign that you are ready to release yourself from these old and nagging thought systems. Seek some help in clearing old patterns.
The incubus in a dream represents a nefarious drain of emotional resources. To be the incubus in a dream is to take strength from others through an immoral act. You may feel that you are stealing someone's success at the office by taking too much credit on a group project, but this act is improving your ego and reputation. To be seduced by an incubus in a dream is to be drained of inner strength.
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