To dream that you are a celebrity may indicate that you have set your goals too high and they may be impossible to attain right now. You may be faced with disappointment and frustration.
To see a celebrity in your dream symbolizes certain attributes or features that they possess. Pay attention to any recent events or occurrences in your life, and see if there are any similarities between them and the celebrity in the dream. Often, we develop a fixation on a celebrity and this can be incorporated into dreams. They possess attributes that we sometimes wish we had and are often seen as status symbols. Consider if the celebrity's name has any meaning. The dream could be a play on their name.
To dream that you are good friends with a celebrity may suggest that you wish a friend or family member possessed similar traits. Determine the traits the celebrity possesses, so you know what qualities you wish your friend or family had.
**Refer to actor.
To be followed by the paparazzi in a dream represents pressure to perform. You may feel that everyone is watching you and you are nervous that you will not be able to meet others' expectations.
To be the paparazzi in a dream indicates that you may have an unresolved obsession. Try to identify who or what it is that you are following in the dream and find a way to let it go in your real life.
To see the paparazzi in a dream symbolizes being in the presence of greatness.
Reality Show 
To dream that you are on a reality show represents your need to take a second look at the details of your life. You may have a life full of drama but if you took an outside perspective you might find some answers.
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