Dream Dictionary » B » Break-In


Dreaming of a break-in represents something startling and intrusive entering your life. This could be a new, unwelcome person assuming a prominent role in your life, or it could be learning the truth about something that changes the way you live the daily life. No matter what the situation is, the dream about break-in often indicates someone or something intruding into your belongings and surroundings - your own territory. Furthermore, dreaming of a break-in could also symbolize something important to you being taken away and feeling violated. For instance, there is a situation in which you were given joint custody of a child despite you asked for sole custody. This type of interpretation would also be relevant if you've in the past experienced some type of victimization such as physical abuse or robbery.

Alternatively, having experienced a break-in before or being well aware of burglaries that have occurred in your neighborhood could be highlighting fears of such instances that have been in the back of your mind.