To dream of larva represents a new beginning. You are experiencing a change of heart and you are being molded into a mature, changed person.
To dream of leeches feeding on your blood signifies a part of your waking life that is sapping your energy and enthusiasm. Leeches in your dream may represent persons around you, old habits, or ill feelings. This will affect your mental and emotional state. On the other hand, if your body is covered in leeches, it indicates repulsion for what you have done or guilt towards someone you have wronged.
To dream of lice suggests guilt, anxiety, and depression. Perhaps you feel that you are a physical and emotional wreck. Also, lice represents that you need to stay away from certain selfish people and relationships.
To dream of locusts denotes poor psychological health. You feel insecure and are taken aback by your lack of or regressing originality. On the other hand, dreaming of locusts may symbolize new beginnings and personal progress.
Please See Lice.
To dream of maggots implies that you harbor fears regarding your own demise. It may also symbolize some situation that you have been ignoring and is causing you great anxiety. You must overcome this obstacle in order to achieve spiritual peace.
In particular, to dream that you are stepping on maggots implies that you are carrying feelings of regret and uncleanliness. You are concealing negative emotions and actions. On a positive note, this can represent your determination and drive to face hardship and emerge victorious.
To dream of mosquitoes implies that you are being used and manipulated by others. They are exhausting you emotionally and mentally. It also means that you will use all of your efforts to defend yourself against their assaults.
To dream that you are killing mosquitoes indicates that you will be able to prevail over hardships to gain wealth and joy.
Praying Mantis 
To dream of a praying mantis suggests that you are currently in a critical relationship. The dream likewise portrays your intent to victimize other people or exhibit a destructive behavior.
To dream of roaches stands for a detrimental aspect of your personality, which may be better off contained. Alternatively, it may refer to marijuana.
On a positive note, to dream of roaches may also be a representation of persistence and permanence.
To dream of a scorpion signifies an experience that has caused you great pain or grief. It may also indicate insensitive and resentful words or thoughts that an enemy holds about you. Your dream warns that you may be treading into a territory that can only bring you sorrow and loss. The scorpion symbolizes change and a new beginning. It may be necessary for you to discard previous beliefs and ideals and adopt new ones. Also, the scorpion may be a symbol of a person who was born under the Scorpio zodiac sign.
To see scorpions floating in water signifies that you must resign yourself to the fact that an event or situation has indeed occurred and cannot be changed. There is a possibility that you are experiencing the stages of grief and learning to continue on with your life.
To dream of a snail implies that you are easily riled up or upset. You shouldn't allow yourself to get annoyed so easily. You want to express your individuality, but something seems to be holding you back. It may also indicate that you are slowly reaching your objectives. Travel at a speed that feels comfortable for you.
To dream of a spider denotes that you are being ignored and overlooked by others. Perhaps you feel that it is best to avoid someone or something that will only influence you negatively. The spider also represents female strengths and intensity. It may be implying that there is some entity trying to keep you safe from your own actions. If you kill a spider, it indicates that you will soon face hardships and obstacles.
To see a spider spinning a web implies that your energies and exertions will result in great gifts. This can be in the form of career advancement, elevation in social status, or prosperity. Spiders represent imagination and artistic nature.
On a negative note, spiders may suggest that you feel stuck in a negative relationship. Perhaps your significant other is being too dependent on you. It can indicate that you are being influenced by someone or something that is detrimental to your happiness or safety.
To see a spider climbing up a wall in your dream implies that you will achieve your goals in the near future.
To dream that you are bitten by a spider symbolizes an issue between you and a female associate. You may be feeling entangled in a relationship that you no longer want to be a part of.
To dream of tadpoles represents indecision in a business venture that will cause concern.
To dream that you have or see a tapeworm is a bad omen. You will soon find yourself in poor health and will find no pleasure in your life.
To dream of a tarantula is an indication that you have a darker side to your personality.
A dream in which you see termites signals temporary prosperity for you.
To dream of seeing or being bitten by a tick means that something is drawing all the vigor out of you. You need to find out what person or situation is causing you to be fatigued.
To dream about toads signifies that you are closeting your feelings. You should let them out for all to see.
To dream about killing toads means that you will be castigated for something you do.
To dream of a wasp is a representation of expressed or repressed anger. A stinging wasp is an indication that someone in your waking life has become jealous of you. Be careful, as their envy may be your downfall. If you kill a wasp, you are of strong moral character. You will stand by your beliefs and be unafraid to defend them.
To dream of a weasel is a signal to consider who in your waking life you do not have faith in. Has someone betrayed your trust? Conversely, the weasel may also indicate that your own behavior has been less than honorable.