To dream about your birthday symbolizes your sense of self-esteem. You are honoring yourself as a person, and you totally accept yourself.
A dream in which you are boxing indicates that strife is churning inside you, and that you are not adequately expressing your feelings. You might not be living up to your potential.
To dream about a bullfight is indicative of the battle between your primitive cravings and soulful yearnings.
Bungee Jumping 
To dream about bungee jumping means that you are able to rebound from disappointments and defeats. It is vital to realize that you were willing to gamble in the first place.
To dream that you are camping implies that you are facing much stress and pressure in your life. You want to get away and have some time to unwind and rest. Perhaps you have a desire to live a less complicated life or spend some time in a more calm and serene environment. It may also represent the people you associate with. You want to be a part of the group, but also keep your individuality.
To dream that your boat has capsized indicates that you are reluctant to face an embarrassing or awkward issue. To face this would mean that you would have to admit that it exists. You are not prepared to confront these feelings yet.
To dream of being held captive by somebody indicates a psychic imbalance that may be causing emotional powerlessness. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses may help in a current crisis. Dreaming of holding another captive is a reminder from your unconscious that you have no true control over others and letting go feels better for everyone.
To dream of being the victim of a carjacking suggests that you may have let yourself or be in the process of allowing yourself to be dominated physically or psychically by someone with ill-intentions. To dream that you are carjacking someone else indicates a fearful aspect of your personality that feels threatened and needs to be shown some peace.
To dream that you are at the carnival signifies deceit and misrepresentation. If you are watching 'freak shows' then you have a lack of peace and fulfillment within your home life. Sadness will be coming to parts of your life that were once happy and content.
To dream about being on a carnival ride indicates that you are traveling in loops. It could also represent simple enjoyment; the kind that leave no lasting impression.
To dream that you have run away with a carnival represents that you will have close ties or will be involved with the entertainment industry in some manner.
To dream of a celebration symbolizes your quest for excellence and perfection. This dream may also be a way of giving yourself praise for reaching your objectives and for accomplishing difficult tasks. Perhaps you have performed a remarkable feat or you have helped someone out in a generous way. It can also represent liberation from a restricting issue or situation. These dreams are often an indication of a significant change or transformation in some aspect of your life.
To dream that you are attending a ceremony implies that you have given up much time and energy in order to achieve your goals. You have an important decision to make regarding obligations and duties in your life. You must ensure that you are prepared to dedicate yourself to a certain task, issue, or relationship. You need to sit back and reflect on your life and decide if a transformation is required.
To dream of Christmas represents close relationships and joyful times with loved ones. It can also imply entering a new phase or stage of your life. Think about what feelings and emotions you hold regarding Christmas as well.
To dream that you are having a terrific time at a circus implies that you are happy with your position and situation in life. To dream that you are just at the circus can mean that you are portraying a false image to those around you. You are hiding behind a facade; perhaps afraid to reveal your emotions. Others will deem you to be someone you are not.
To dream that there is chaos at the circus suggests that you are feeling unorganized and unable to manage the various aspects of your life.
To dream that you are in a competition suggests that you should broaden your horizons and try something new. It is important to possess more determination, drive, and stamina. Voice your opinions and express your emotions with more confidence.
To dream that you win a competition indicates that you have the ability to achieve your desired objectives or resolve a troubling issue.
To dream that you are at a concert indicates that you are satisfied with your current position or situation. Your life is in complete balance and you are in a joyous state. You are not bothered by any issues or burdens at the moment.
To dream that you have a concussion implies that you are wasting your natural skills and talents. You should take some initiative instead of expecting things to occur on their own.
To dream that someone is being cremated indicates that you seek excellence in all aspects of your life. It also symbolizes virtue, cleanliness, and innocence.
To dream that you or someone else commits a crime implies that you regret an action you have performed or you are feeling embarrassment. You are prohibiting your inner spirit to develop.
To dream that you are being crucified represents an act of self-punishment. You are perhaps guilty of something and recognize that you need to suffer the consequences of your acts.