To dream of an adder means you should beware of a scheming or devious person. They should not be believed. This could also represent an individual or opportunity that escaped your grasp.
To see an alligator in your dream represents dishonesty, deception, and a false facade. It may indicate that you should step back and reevaluate your position or view of a certain matter. It may also represent your ability to move between the material world of waking life and the emotional, repressed world of the unconscious. In addition, the alligator can symbolize the ability and talent to cure or revitalize.
To dream that you are running away from the alligator denotes your refusal to face a distressing or upsetting matter. You may be harboring a negative feeling. There is some potentially destructive emotion that you don't want to admit you possess.
According to biblical interpretations, an alligator means that you will fall victim to the sin of arrogance and vanity.
To dream of an anaconda signifies your inventiveness and prospects. This creature also indicates a personal need to focus on your sexuality.
To see animals in your dream is indicative of certain aspects of your personality. Depending on what animal you see, it may reflect your outer appearance, your primal needs and wants, or fantasies relating to sex. Animals can represent your wild and uninhibited side. Thus, to dream that you are fighting with an animal implies that there is some aspect of your personality that you dislike or are trying to avoid. Also read about the type of animal that is appearing in your dream.
To dream that animals can talk indicates insight and intellect. Pay attention to the words it utters; the meaning being conveyed may represent your ability to achieve all that you desire.
To dream that you are saving the life of an animal indicates that you are aware of some personality traits that you have in common with the animal. In addition, you may feel as if you are lacking a particular attribute or you are insignificant in the scheme of things.
To see lab animals in your dream represents a personal attribute that you are hiding from yourself and others. You need to gain confidence and face these emotions, even if you feel as if you will be overcome by them. Be more open-minded and willing to try different things.
To dream about an anteater signals that you must be very careful about when completing financial arrangements.
To see an antelope in your dream indicates that it will take a great deal of time and vigor to reach your goals and aspirations. Incredible wealth and prosperity may be in your near future.
To see an antelope collapse in your dream means that you are responsible for a failed relationship.
Seeing antlers in a dream is a symbol of a man's virility and forcefulness. It also can represent a trophy.
To see apes in your dream represents dishonesty, maliciousness, and lies. It may also mean that you are becoming irrational and unreasonable. You should step back, take a deep breath, and focus. The ape may also symbolize your inhibitions and passion, especially in sexual matters.
To see an armadillo in your dream means that you should set limits and retain control of your life. It is possible that you are preventing others from seeing the person you really are. It also implies that you may be relying too much on someone else. You should stand up for yourself and be more independent. Don't let anyone take advantage of you.
To dream about an asp is a symbol of adversity, loss of self-worth and anger.
To see an ass in your dream indicates that there is an issue or situation in your life that you don't fully comprehend. It may also mean that you will be experiencing frustrations and minor upsets in the near future.
To see an ass carrying a burden in your dream indicates that you will finally succeed in work as well as in relationships; but only after much time and effort.
To dream about a baboon is an indication that you need to articulate how you feel in a clearer manner. It might also mean that you are describing those feelings improperly.
A dream about a badger symbolizes perseverance and triumph over adversaries. It also could be a pun about 'badgering' or irritating people.
To dream of a bass fish is a call to patience. Biding your time and facing up to something with renewed clarity is appropriate at this time. To dream that you are swimming with bass indicates that you are being quite clear and patient at this time so not to get frustrated and simply keep on with the current approach.
To see bats in your dream represents filth, dishonesty, and inner turmoil. It may also mean that you should turn your back on previous beliefs and attitudes, as they are no longer relevant to the direction your life is heading. It may imply a new beginning. It may also indicate that you need to thoroughly assess an issue before you decide to tackle it. The dream may also be a play on the word 'batty,' which means that you are feeling unstable and unable to control emotions or influences in your life.
To dream of a white bat indicates the pending doom of a loved one. To dream of a black bat represents a tragic occurrence that will affect you directly.
To see a vampire bat in your dream is a symbol of someone you associate with who is influencing you negatively.
To dream about being attacked by a bear suggests that boldness and mounting barriers in your way. You could possibly be placed in a dangerous situation. Bears represent the cycle of life. This could signify a moment in your life that requires self-analysis and deep thought. This dream could also be the homonym of 'bare', indicating that you might have to 'bare your soul' and reveal yourself openly.
To dream about a polar bear represents a reawakening.
To dream about a beast represents imprudence and naivete.
To see faceless beasts relates to some circumstance that you are failing to fully realize or confront; you are basically indifferent. The dream also could mean that some event or person is raising worry and anxiety in you.
The Bible says that a beast is a symbol of honorable men who are undiscerning.
To see a beaver building a dam indicates that you need to expend a great amount of energy and determination in order to attain your objectives. You need to confront issues that may exist between you and your associates. You will need these people as allies, as they are detrimental to the success of your ambitions. Without their loyalty, you will possibly face failure.
Betta Fish 
Dreaming of a Betta Fish, also known as a Siamese fighting fish, symbolizes your long reserved idea is about to become something useful. It may be a good time to search and uncover your bright side of repressed desires.
To dream of a chirping and/or flying bird symbolizes passion, pleasure, and steadiness. You have a positive attitude towards your situation. Emotionally, burdens will be removed and you will find peace and solace.
To dream of dead or dying birds is an indication that you may be facing misfortune or anguish. Minor troubles will consistently plague your thoughts.
To see bird eggs in your dream represents possible prosperity and wealth.
To see birds hatching in your dream indicates that you will achieve a goal.
To see a bird nest in your dream indicates individualism, solace, and protection. You have to have a safety net in case you fail. It may also indicate a potentially successful venture or wealth.