A hippopotamus is a quiet creature with hidden strengths. Similarly, human beings have untapped potential, talents, and powers.
To dream of a hippopotamus pertains to revealing your strength and power.
To dream of seeing a hog may be a pun on 'hogging' things instead of sharing with the needy.
Horses symbolize strength, speed, and endurance. It also indicates having control over things and directing them towards your aim. The same holds true in dreams involving horses.
The common expression, 'get off your high horse' refers to the need to be less arrogant and to be more down to earth.
To dream of a dark horse reflects mystery and danger. Such dreams are commonly among gamblers and those who take too many risks.
To dream of a white horse signifies purity and good fortune. It indicates the image of a prince charming and his white horse coming to save the princess. Being chased by a white horse reflects trouble in dealing with sexuality.
Seeing a dead horse in a dream demonstrates loss in a relationship. Seeing a herd of wild horses refers to freedom and wildness.
To dream of riding a horse suggests scarcity of resources that hinders achievement of goals.
Riding an untamed horse is a sign that you're being carried away by your emotions.
To dream of hummingbirds reflects that excellence may come in small packages. It may also indicate flighty and restless thoughts, or perhaps an avoidance of commitments or relationships. They can also point to creativity without bounds.
To dream of a hyena indicates two things. Firstly, it indicates a feeling of having too much responsibility. Secondly, it represents a funny person in your life.
To dream of an Ibis indicates there may be cause to move house sooner than anticipated. A feeling of sacrificing your comfort for a higher purpose may surround an upcoming event but courage gets you through the necessary change with flying colors. An Ibis in a dream suggests a sense of instability at the thought of having to change address but reminds us that our ultimate acceptance will bring reward and new possibilities may present themselves. A flock of Ibis implies a tremendous amount of support emotionally, financially and spiritually.
To dream of an iguana symbolizes ruthless, ferocious, and callous acts. It identifies both hostility and unstoppable willpower. To dream of an iguana symbolizes a person who brings inspiration, anxiety, and experience.
To dream of a jackal is a symbol of influence and control. You have a habit of using others for your own benefit without any thought of their welfare.
To dream of a jackdaw represents possible hardship, confrontation, and sickness that you or someone you know will experience.
To dream of a jaguar indicates uncanny speed, mounting energy, and supremacy.
To dream of a jaybird denotes performing work that is enjoyable but not productive. A jaybird that is dead is indicative of an argument or disagreement that you are having with a loved one.
To dream of a jellyfish signifies unpleasant unconscious memories from the past that are now becoming evident. This may represent strong feelings of aggression in certain aspects of your waking life. Additionally, this indicates feelings of unworthiness and inadequacy. It may be due to some situations in the past where you failed to adhere to your principles and beliefs.
To dream of kangaroos is indicative of parental protection, both maternal and paternal. This may be a characteristic of yourself that you would like to express.
Kangaroos in dreams may also be representative of anger or desire to fight. Being attacked by a kangaroo is symbolic of false accusations accosting you in the future. Be aware of these accusations as they put your reputation and good name at risk.
To dream of a kennel indicates a fear of 'not pleasing your master.' Someone may have unreasonable control over your behavior.
To dream of sleeping in a kennel or looking out of a kennel suggests a need to be more personally responsible and accountable for your actions in your waking life.
To send an animal or a person to the kennel suggests you may have been too judgmental in a recent situation.
Killer Whale
A killer whale in a dream represents spiritual guidance. The killer whale is a dangerous animal which in a dream represents a part of your psyche which has great power but which must be followed carefully.
In a dream a kingfisher represents a nagging feeling of inadequacy. You may be troubled by inner doubts or the doubts of others.
To dream of a white kitten suggests betrayal and trouble.
To see non-white or soiled kittens in your dream warns of possible problems in your future.
Komodo Dragon
Little lizards in a dream represent primitive desires which are usually insignificant in life. However, to dream of a Komodo Dragon means that you are struggling with the balance of light and dark within yourself.
To dream of a lamb represents a flocking in of allies and companions. Your dream may also relate to the figure of speech, 'gentle as a lamb.' Lamb is a common symbol of all that is pure and innocent.
To dream that you are holding a lamb in your arms symbolizes an improvement in the quality of your life. An example may be a job promotion and financial freedom as a result of ethical means and industrious work.
To dream of lemmings indicates a discomfort with repeating patterns. The same problem may be happening over and over to you or a friend.
A dream of lemmings may also indicate a distrust of authority. New leadership or a new direction may be needed to escape a path of unhappiness.